Bühne/Schauspiel Bühne/Schauspiel

CompanyHAA Festival: Smell.Me.Ordinary.Piece

CompanyHAA Festival: Smell.Me.Ordinary.Piece
Smell.Me.Ordinary.Piece | Edith Pedersøn | general_use

Informationen des Veranstalters

The work is based on our physical research where scent becomes a primal impulse for movement creation and a way to relate to one another. We refer to an instinctual, almost animalistic way of perception of an ever-changing situation, where one has to be in a constant “flight or fight” mode. We have found inspiration in the investigation of Desmond Morris, Zoologist, ethnologist, and author in human sociobiology. In this work, we question the equality between human and animalistic behavior.

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