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FÄLLT AUS! Mosque Archives as Sources for Historical Research: The Case of Berlin-Wilmersdorf

Informationen des Veranstalters

Dr. Gerdien Jonker is Historian of Religion and senior researcher at Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen. After her dissertation on the collective memory of Ancient Mesopotamia, Jonker switched to European minorities and their memory practices today. Her current research addresses Jews and Muslims in Germany and the relations the two minorities entertain. Dr. Maria-Magdalena Fuchs is a postdoc research fellow at the Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient in Berlin. She received her PhD from the Department of Religion at Princeton University in 2019, focusing on the history of Islamic modernism in colonial north India. Maria also holds an MSt in Global and Imperial History from the University of Oxford and a BA in Islamic Studies from the Freie Universität Berlin.

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